The Quality policy constitutes the general reference for the management of all activities having an influence on Quality. All staff are required to base their activities on the principles contained in this policy with a view to continuous technical, economic and qualitative improvement.
Through the setting up of the Quality Guarantee System we want to improve our image in terms of quality and company performance to give a guarantee to all Customers of our ability to provide high quality standard services.
The management directly plays the role of Management Representative.
The management has set the following objectives listed by priority:
Everyone has the task of contributing to the achievement of objectives and the improvement of Quality.
At the beginning of each year, a plan of inspections is prepared aimed at identifying any shortcomings or possible improvements.
The increased competitiveness of the market and the difficult economic situation require everyone to make the utmost commitment to the realization of the initiative.
In our sector technical evolution is constant so the company has the desire to always present itself in line with these developments.
The direction